Who am I?
I have 2 years of security engineer & researcher experiences and did application security reviews, pen testing, threat modeling, and development of automated detection tools.
My background is cyber security as a master degree and computer science as a bachelor.
Most recently I worked at CableLabs and developed a detection system for BGP hijacking attacks. BGP essentially assumes all networks are trustworthy, so there is vulnerable to use legitimate network prefix. BGP hijacking can be difficult to detect as the owner of the network prefix is unable to detect the hijack themselves. This is the reason why my project started. So it helps to detect BGP hijaking for our clients by monitoring the whole network and it is anomaly-based IDS. As a result, clients can detect the hijacking and prevent DDoS attacks or loss of their traffic.
Before that, I worked for Cisco on an open-source project that educates general software engineers about Cryptography. Not all engineers can use proper cryptography yet. The goal of this project was to properly train such engineers. I provide documentation of cryptography to technical stakeholders such as what vulnerability of MD5 is, what is TLS and how to implement it. This project helped software engineerers community to secure their products.
When I was working at eloicube in Korea, I developed a firewall management solution. In Korea, the majority of banks and insurance companies employed only a small number of network managers. Therefore, the network managers could not efficiently manage all firewalls. My solution helped them to efficiently manage all the firewalls. It helps to manage a history of settings/rule changes of all firewalls, detects expired policies, over-permitted policies, and long-term non-use policies for optimization to easy to manage the firewalls. As a result, effective management can be achieved with fewer network managers. Also, during this project period, I have experience issued a certificate for TLS setting.
The career I talked about mainly mentioned things related to the blue team’s job, but I also have experience with the red team’s job during the Johns Hopkins University master program, including pen testing, threat modeling, trick bot malware reproduction, and CTF participation.
In the security field, there is still a lot to learn, the learning process is so enjoyable for me. I want to find a good place that gathered good colleagues and continues to discover vulnerabilities and apply remediation and mitigation to actual products.
My Mission
My mission is to do things on the side of the world’s weak that can help them. My role model is Jesus and I want to live like him. Jesus loved his neighbor and stood on the side of the weak, helping them and giving them true freedom. Even I cannot resemble as much as same that, at least I want to stand by their side to help them enjoy human freedom during thier rest of the life.
Oneday, I want to build a company to help my neighbors with my peers, just as Jesus did with his disciples, when I know how to help them later and when I have the ability to help them. Until then, my goal is to build skills so that I can do what I need when I need it.
I believes that God give me the right thing to devote to Him and I feel happiness at the same time. Therefore, among the many ways in this world to help the weak, I will also find something that I can feel happiness. So far, computer is the thing, so I live as a Security & Software Engineer.
I think the most powerful thing in the world is information rather than money. Historically, strong people have used information as a powerful weapon. To empower those who are weak and protect them from the strong people, I think I need to be able to know and handle information, so I am more interested in computer security.
When I valanteered in Kenya, I felt more intense about my mission. In Kenya, I taught new techknowledge to middle & high school students, such as drones, computer programming, and Arduino. During the class, I asked about their dreams. One of the dreams which I impressed was that many students wanted to be soldiers because they want to support their families. What they could do in a corrupt country is to be a solider. Unemployment is high in Kenya, but only the soldiers or relatives of the well-being wealthy can find a job for easy. Because of the corruption, they want to be a solider for supporting their families.
If they know how to work outside Kenya and are properly educated to do it, they will help the world as global citizens and they can support their families. What if there is an increase in those people, they will be able to break their corruptions and make a better country. I will use my abilities for such people and will constantly learn and improve my skills.
나의 미션
저는 세상의 약자들의 편에서서서 그들을 위해 도움을 줄 수 있는 일을 하는 것이 저의 미션입니다. 나의 롤 모델은 예수님이시고 그 분을 닮아가며 살고 싶습니다. 예수님은 이웃을 사랑하며 약자들의 편에 서있으셨으며 그들을 도와주며 참 자유를 주셨습니다. 저는 그런 모습을 닮아 이 세상 너머의 참 자유를 그들에게 줄 수는 없겠지만 적어도 그들이 이 세상에 살면서 인간다운 자유를 누릴 수 있도록 그들의 편에 서서 그들을 돕고 싶습니다.
그들을 돕기 위해 훗날 그들을 어떻게 도울 수 있는지 방법을 알고 그들을 도울 수 있는 능력이 생길때 혼자만이 아닌 예수님이 제자들과 함께 했던 것 처럼 저도 동료들과 함께 내 이웃을 돕는 회사를 만들고 싶습니다. 그때까지 제가 나아가야 할 길은 필요할 때 필요한 일을 할 수 있도록 차근차근 실력을 쌓아가는 것입니다.
하나님은 내가 행복할 수 있으면서 그 분께 헌신 할 수 있는 나에게 알맞은 일을 주신다고 믿습니다. 따라서 약한자들을 돕기 위한 이 세상의 다양하고 많은 일들 중에서 나 또한 행복감을 느낄 수 있는 일을 찾아갈 것입니다. 지금은 그 일이 컴퓨터와 관련된 일이기에 저는 지금 Security & Software Engineer로써 살아가고 있습니다.
세상에서 가장 강력한 것은 돈 보다도 정보라고 생각합니다. 역사적으로도 강한 자들은 정보들을 강력한 무기로 사용했습니다. 그들로부터 약한 자들을 지키고 그들에게 힘을 주기 위해서는 내가 정보에 대해 잘 알고 다룰 수 있어야 된다고 생각해서 컴퓨터 보안 분야에 더 관심을 가지고 공부를 하고 있습니다.
케냐 봉사를 했을 때 나는 내 미션에 대해 더 강렬하게 느낄 수 있었습니다. 케냐 안에 마야라는 마을에 중고등학생 대상으로 드론, 컴퓨터 프로그래밍, 아두이노와 같은 전자영역을 가르쳤는데 그 때 그들의 꿈에 대해 물어봤습니다. 그들이 말한 꿈 중에서 기억에 남는 것은 많은 학생들이 군인이 되고 싶어했는데 그 이유는 부패한 나라에서 가족들의 생계를 책임지며 먹고 살 수 있는 직업중에 그들이 할 수 있는 일이 군인이었기 때문이었습니다. 케냐에는 실업난이 큰데 일반 사람들은 일자리를 찾기 힘들고 오직 군인들 혹은 잘 사는 부유층의 친인척만이 일자리를 쉽게 구하는 부패들이 성행해서 그들은 군인이 되어 자기 가족을 먹여 살리고 싶어했습니다.
그들이 케냐 밖에서도 일 할 수 있는 방법을 알고 그 일을 할 수 있도록 적절한 교육을 받는다면 글로벌 시민으로써 세계에 도움을 주고 그들은 가족을 부양 할 수 있을 것입니다. 그리고 그런 사람들이 늘어난다면 자국의 부패들을 청산 할 수 있을 것이고 더 나은 나라를 만들 수 있을 것입니다. 저는 그런 사람들을 위해 제 능력을 쓸 것이며 끊임없이 배우고 제 실력을 키워갈 것입니다.